Tuesday, February 2, 2010

About this blog

For my first post I'd like to briefly introduce myself, why I am creating this blog, and what I expect to be writing about. For quite some time I've wanted to write about the following things:
  • Why I am Christian.
  • My conversion experience. A deeply personal mystical experience.
  • Why I am pro-life. The logical foundation for my convictions.
  • Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
  • Reflections on world views and a variety of books, websites, and videos.
  • Occasional random things
  • Perhaps some music too

About Me:

Hi all, thanks for visiting my blog. I'm JD. I am a musician & songwriter. I have played the bass guitar for the past 8 years or so at church. I've been playing the guitar since high school. My undergraduate degree is in Psychology and my graduate degree is in Computer Science. I've played in a variety of bands since high school. Mostly rock and alternative but more recently also Christian rock. I've written a half dozen songs that have been completed and another few that are still unfinished. I've also written some music for church.

Thanks for visiting!